Monday, February 16, 2009

Why I chose Nursing?

Today, we are experiencing global crisis and because of that people are aiming to lift each economical status.Issues like the quality of BS in nursing course is declining and quality is increasing. Negative thoughts about nursing is increasing and when you are a nursing student a lot of people would think that you are into trend not into the goal of nursing which is to give care to the needy.

Practically speaking
nursing is highly in-demand in abroad, without any doubt having a greener Pasteur can be one of those reasons why i chose such. But the most is I want to help and serve those who are in need in medical practice.

I wanted to prove something to those who think negative about the nursing students. I wanted to show to them that not all nursing students is just aiming for abroad but to help the people who needs nursing especially the sick.


  1. We will always give others hope,
    we are angel with a stethoscope.
    God Bless

  2. that's right!!!
    keep it up gurl...
    show them wat u can show..

  3. We have to love and accept it, coz its worth trying..let's reach our goal:)

  4. Honestly, its hard to choose the best course but I think we have potential to become professional nurses someday.. God Bless.. :)

  5. wHeEwww...hi GiRl...WeLL That's Ryt...Go3x...u can do it...GodBleSs..Hpe MkaGraduate Tau...

  6. God will either
    give you what you ask,
    or something far better
    than what you wished,
    keep on praying and be thankful
    because God's answers
    are wiser than our prayers.

    God bless us all...

  7. hi classmate..

    take care and god bless..

    kaya natin toh..

    go go go..

  8. ah ok... but how can be so sure that such course is still in demand? do you read news? but, well, who am i to stop you from this? i dont have any right.

    Good luck then and may you achieve your gols ion life...

  9. do gud ou U'R StuDiEs!
    aNd im XuR u CN rEAcH u'r gOaLs In LifE!
    KeEp RoCkIN!
    gOd BlEsS yOu AlwAys!

  10. i know we have different reasons why we chose this course,..whatever the reasons is lets just make our parents proud!!♥

  11. gotta love it because you chose it... hehehe! anyway, i hope you will be happy in your chosen course. God bless!

  12. ` ahuh..
    ` i lurv it girL.
    ` keep it up.. that's right..
    `gotta prove to them that not all are aiming for jobs abroad but to help other people's guidance in their case of illness !
    ` though we have our own different reasons..
    ` but keep on dreaming.. i believe, you can do it.
